223 Remington 55GR FMJin-house loads and specifications based on The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) specs, which sets the standards and technical data for the firearms industry in the US. These are specs which most all ammunition companies follow. Rigorous tolerances and standards that we deem necessary for the quality of our ammo is derived from SAAMI specs, but kept tighter and monitored closely to maintain low variation, which equates to consistently good ammunition for the end user. All of our loads are developed to be extremely reliable in the widest range of firearms without sacrificing quality. The end result is ammo you can trust in any firearm.
Caliber:.223 RemingtonBullet Weight:55 gr.Bullet Type:Hornady FMJVelocity:2940 fps.Energy:1056 ft. lbs.Round Per Bag:100
You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase rifles and shotguns, and 21 or older to purchase handguns, receivers, frames, suppressors and items classified as 'Firearms'. Minimum age requirements may vary by state. Check your state and local laws before ordering.
It is your responsibilty to fully understand the laws in your area and to ensure that possession of this item would not violate any applicable state or local laws. This product must be delivered to a Federal Firearms License holder.